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17th June 2024

Trusting in Our Centralised Investment Proposition

At Integrity365 we take the responsibility of recommending where you invest your money very seriously. We are conscious that this underpins your family’s security and aspirations for the future. This is why we have set up our ‘Centralised Investment Proposition’ (CIP) to ensure we have a consistent and rigorous framework in place for how we select and govern the investment solutions we recommend.

Our CIP is overseen by Integrity365’s Investment Committee (IC), which sets policy guidelines for recommended portfolios and approves portfolio strategies. One function is to oversee the fund managers on behalf of all our clients, to ensure they are managing the investments as expected and that they remain in line with the agreed mandate.

In practical terms, the Committee sets an investment policy, objectives and investment parameters. It then evaluates performance, cost and risk on an ongoing basis. Through close monitoring and regular reviews, we can ensure that the fund managers that we work with continue to meet the investment objectives that they have set out to achieve for our clients.

Integrity365’s Investment Committee is made up of six financial professionals within the business who, between them, have an extensive amount of industry experience. An independent consultant is also employed to provide an additional layer of independence and impartiality to ensure our ongoing governance framework is operating effectively and in the interests of our clients. Because the world of investments is complex and fast-moving, as a business we feel that it is incredibly important that our clients are informed and understand the level of due diligence and expertise we employ on their behalf.

This in no way compromises our independent status. In fact, it enhances our commitment to regularly reviewing the investment market to identify, monitor and benchmark Investment Manager credentials on scale, rather than as an individual cost to our clients on a case-by-case basis.

At Integrity365, we firmly believe that the needs of the client must come first, and therefore our Centralised Investment Proposition is just one of the investment options available to you alongside those available in the whole of the investment market.

The IC’s role is primarily to:

  • Create and operate under strict Terms of Reference
  • Appoint the most appropriate investment managers
  • Continually monitor those managers against their appropriate benchmarks and to ensure they continue to meet their investment objectives
  • Manage ongoing relationships with relevant fund managers
  • Replace fund managers if this becomes necessary
  • If required, to introduce new funds to the portfolio to ensure clients’ needs are fully met
  • Monitor costs and negotiate reductions where possible
  • Review ongoing compliance with all regulatory rules

Each Investment Manager approved for investing your money regularly presents a detailed summary of their investment performance, investment activity, costs of the investment, risk management, investment outlook and any changes made to personnel or their corporate structure.

The primary benefit of the Integrity365 Centralised Investment Proposition is the access we can provide to world-class fund managers and fund management companies.

This incredibly diverse investment approach results in our clients benefiting from the collective knowledge and resources of managers who are responsible for £Billions of investments. The structure we have created provides access to a varied range of investment managers, at a cost that is generally only available to institutional investors. We leverage the negotiating power of all our clients in order to keep costs low, so your money works more efficiently for you.

As part of our transparent reporting, the Investment Committee will be summarising any changes, additions and investment highlights in our quarterly client newsletters.

To discuss your investment options with our experienced team of Independent Financial Advisers, please get in touch on 0117 450 1300.

Read more in Our Investment Approach Explained PDF Guide: